Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Good The Bad and The Ugly of 2013

Well folks here we are another year to an end yeah right ( sarcasm  runeth over). Today our dreamless leaders ask what is was good and bad about your year of 2013.  Well I know I might make folks angry but it's life.

The good my oldest child graduating from Henry Street Schools for international Studies. Here on the  Lower East Side of NYC. The boy did me proud and now he is a freshman at SUNY Oswego. The other good news is my middle baby is in middle school. The adjustment is hard but I have faith he will be fine.

The bad where  the hell should I begin ...filing for divorce on the day my oldest graduated, getting ill with an illness thy can't pinpoint and now having my youngest son father sue me for custody. Yeah my year is ending with a bang.

The Ugly basically me I have found I need to fix me before I can look for love an acceptance. So my resolution this year is not to share things with folks near or far. To deal with all medical and other issues on my own. So that is how my year was. How was yours. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Favorite things to cure the holidays blues

Joyeux Noël

Now when your fearless leader gave us this assignment on what cure your holiday blues. I was like ok cool until I read the rest of this post and then was like I so do not need to know about what the Red headed Granny was trying to put up Alan's ass...

So here is what help me during the holidays first I start with a large cup of Java  then I put on the Thin Man movie staring William Powell and Myrna Loy and watch the whole series I have DVD " hush it Kage" yes I know not blu ray heavens to Betsy.  Then from there my sister who house I am at makes the kids a light lunch..me more coffee now after watching the thin man series..the kids play the WII sports and I read then we watch Allister Simms A Christmas Carol. Followed by dinner...four after dinner dinks for me with alcohol then dessert and finally a Charlie Brown Christmas. 

But this year things are different I am not going to be at my sisters for I do not have the energy to deal with family this year and plus I do not have enough alcohol in my house to take with me. So me and the boys will be home. But I would do all the same things here so all is goo in my world. So that is how I cure my holiday blues..what do you all do?

So on that note I wish you all 
A Merry Christmas
Vrolijk kerstfeest, Hyvää Joulua,Frohe Weihnachten, Jwaye Nwèl and ¡Feliz Navidad

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Basterdization of Thanksgiving and the greed of Black Friday.

This post might not be all that riveting but I will give it the old college try.

When Jeff posted this weeks topic about store being open on thanksgiving and Black Friday I was like ha ha... But then I actually had to sit back and say this is why I loathed the begin jog of the holiday season. The spirt of thanksgiving is supposed to be about family, love ones and being thankful that we all have that time to spend with one another.  Incoming years it's has not been about that in our society, I have seen women plan their holidays around the stuff for Black Friday. I mean they go on line in stoner to see of they can get a sneak peak at Black Friday deals. They even plan where the family will be so they can be at the nearest target, Walmart, jcpenny, kamart, toysrus  for those door buster sales. That's not for me I mean my sister loves doing things like that I did it once with her*we will get back to that in a moment *.

Now my opinion about store being open on a holiday *except for the supermarket* and they close early so that the staff can be with their family..But noooo big box stores now have to say we need money folks like to spend on things they don't need..yes yes we will get more money by sudecing their inner greed. Is it right hell no but hey money is money and the big box stores don't care if they are getting blood money.  Walmart is the worst offender of any big store in this damn country. The way they treat their employees is horrid. They pay them yes true slave wages 90 percent of all Walmart employees are receiving government benefits to help them survived because Walmart is too damn greedy and cheap to give them a living wage. Walmart USA will not let their employees join a union and  but yet ifwalmart wants to open a store in a foreign country they have to let the employees unionized but not her.

Walmart tried to open a store here innNYC and they pulled out all the stops and even had Emperor Bloomberg in their corner and the city co uncle put an end to those plans because they said due to the fact you will not let your employees unionized we cannot let you in.  You see bloomers is not a fan of unions and he is seen as trying to be a union buster. So that was one of the good things the NYC city council did for it's people.

Another reason why I am not a fan of Walmart is the fact a security guard lost his life because of the Black Friday mobs. Walmart did not hire enough security to man the front doors. When the crowd rushed in the young man was trampled to death. Walmart stated it was the victim fault he got killed and they were not paying the fine.

But most of all the folks are to blame to get wrapped up in that frenzy of  $88 flat panel tv was it worth it. I mean fighting over parking spaces where a 66 year old man sliced another diver down to the bone because of a damn parking space.  When hearing and reading about things like this makes me wonder what the hell has happen to us as human beings and where is the humanity that I thought all of us were raised with.

Ok so my Black Friday story happend a few years ago I was at my sister's in Jersey for one thing I am so not a morning person and with out my coffee you can call me Satan's wife. She woke me up at three so we can get to JC penny for some damn Black Friday sale. We get to the store we are standing in line like crazy people. When the line started moving these lovely middle age suburban soccer moms started pushing like they were about to sell out the last pair of implants. I asked the woman nicely not to push the dyed job ignore and keep pushing well the last time she pushed me she got a cup of scalding hot coffee down her blouse. With the dyed job screaming and her equally dyed job and booked enhanced friend yelling I looked at my sister and never again will I do this and this is why I shop in February.

Ok folks I think I gave you my view check and see what the rest of the crew had to say on this subject.

Later folks.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Description vs. Dialogue

So when we got this weeks topic. I was a bit huffed. I was a little surprised by it. I had showed someone what I had written and they had said good description but where is the dialogue. I was like I can't do that I don't know how the person was like if you can write a face book post you can do it.

My issue is I can tell you the story but can't tell you the story. I can tell you what's going on but not in how the characters is suppose to do it.  So there that is my dilemma .

Ok I was not gonna post but since I had time I between cooking four birds I said why the hell not.

What are your issues with dialogue and description.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Problems and solutions

Morning can I call it a good morning we will see. So when our fearless leader posted this weeks topic I was like ok but I don't have the time to write because I will be resting and cooking AT&T he same time..yeah yeah I know the two don't fit so sue me. For those of you hip who know me know I have kids and I normally cook for the school holidays. Well this year I lonely have to cook for two schools yeah cause the oldest is in college but that does not mean it is an easy tasks. So hence my issue of cooking and writing this post.

So after hobbling around on a bum hip all day Monday gathering and not trying to kill shoppers I have all the stuff I needed for today's meal . I was like let me put the side of beef ribs in the oven timer it and take a nap. So my ass has been up since four cooking I will tell you the rest of what I am cooking at the end.

So now I figured what the hell let me get this over with before Adkins sic Alan on me. I swear them two are just ugh slave drivers. As you can see problem one done .

Now problem two how in the blue blazes I am going to get all theis damn food over to a school on a bum hip hence problem number two and no I ain't got a damn clue. But I am as resourceful as Mcguyver and I will find a way to get said viddles there.

I am as independent asthma comes with certain things in my life. I am not a person big on asking for help. I would rather  give you my help and what have not then to ask for it. I am trying to learn how to deal with that problem. But folks it is hard for me to ask for help. I am just use to doing things on my own. I know those of you who hold that special "family" place in my heart that I know if I needed you all would be there in some shape form or fashion. But I still can't ask y'all to come, I will get there but it will take cause I know we all need a little help once in a while.

Ok enough of this emotional sappy shit. How the fuck am I going to get: two long bans of beef ribs, turkey wings, chicken, stuffing, mashed potatoes and cake to my kids school?
Any ideas folks?

So what and how have you learned to deal with problems and issues when they run smack dab into your life?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Where do you write

So this week Adkins let Alan pick the topic. Where do you write, what type of music and where do I find my muse.

Ha ha I write where ever I can wether I am at home, on the subway in the kids school or in the hospital. It's not always the same place when I write. 

Music I mean I have enough music on my iTunes to keep me happy from show tunes to hardcore rap( I know me liking rap who would have thunk it ). Music helps me create and relax as I write.

I am not sure if I have a muse I mean looking at folks in NYC in various settings do help I mean I have seen folks having public sex on the subway, a homeless woman who used an abandoned store as her toilet to hot sexy gay men kissing. It depends on what I see that creates the imagination flowing. 

But the best place for me is sitting in my kitchen looking out of my window on either a clear NYC night watching the planes land at LGA or in the wee hours of the morning watching the sunrise and clear away the morning haze across the sky.

So where do you all like to go sit and write and what inspire you.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Why I write.

Why do I write is the question of the day...when I saw that I was like huh too damn broad of a topic. But hey when in Rome...

So why do I write to keep my sanity and to see I I can still be as creative as I once was. I use to be very prolific.  When I wrote I before I  had children it was my way to relax wether it was short stories, poems or novellas.

Once my friends found out I liked to write I was their go to girl for papers, reports or the " Dear Jane" break up letters. Lol I thought me writing break up letters. 

But after my car accident things changed as in I had the stories but I just could not put it to paper. The very first thing I wrote was years after my accident it was a poem for National Domestic Violence Month. 

I still have the stories in my messed but brain I have been working on one for three years.i have it all planned out but getting it on paper is not easy for me.  I know I am moving slow but it will get done. 

When I write now I write for my sanity. To create characters, places and situations to help me relax from the stress of parenting and dealing with the ignant folks I deal with. 

I know my task master ( I will not mention his name) is wondering on my progress I will send him stuff soon. 

I wrote two poems recently and will have a friend look them over to see if they can use them. 

So as I stated writing is relaxing at times and slow going. 

Well now you know my thoughts on writing. 

What are your thoughts.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Halloween Memories

When our ringleader Mr.Adkins gave us the topic Halloween Memories. I was like WTH I have no childhood Halloween memories. He was like you got kids and I am like ummm I don't do Halloween. I don't like ducking gunfire.

So I was talking to a friend and then I remember that about thirteen years ago I went to the wedding of two friends who are wiccians and their wedding was on All Hallows' Eve.  It was a nice fall evinced in Suburban Atlanta. I was good friends with the groom cause we worked for the same company.and the previous year I had spent my vacation with him and his finance at the time. 

It was a wonderful wedding and yes I wore a dress and no I am not sharing the photos. It was a mask erase wedding but after five formal. It was fun and they had Halloween candy and candied apples it was wonderful. So yes that is they only Halloween memory I have.

I want to wish everyone a wonderful and haunting Halloween.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Halloween Horror Movies


Normally our lovely host Jeff gives up fun and interesting topics to write about for our little group. But nooooo this week he turned it over to a man*Kage Alan* who just loves torturing folks. Sorry Red he's been hanging out with you too long. To give us this weeks topic name five Halloween movies that scare us into cardiac arrest.
Well here are my five and why.
  1. Alfred Hitchcock "Psyco" the original with Anthony Perkins and Janet Leigh. For this one it was one it was filmed in black and white. Anthony's portrayal of hotel keeper Norman Bates, he made you want to care for Norman. He made Norman likable. But it was his mother who made you feel sorry for him and yet she made him do that murder to that poor girl in the shower. See that shower scene is what made me not only stop taking showers but I was taking bubble baths for a long time. It was the psychological spin the put on the murder and how it was captured on film. After watching that no out of the way no name motels for me give me big chain hotels anytime.
  2. Stephen Kings "The Shining" staring Jack Nicholson, Shelly Duvall and Scatman Scruthers. The readon why this movie is number one cause I always read the book on Halloween so that gets my mind going and then watching the movie does not help because then it has me looking to see if I see the twin girls or if I am going to see Jack and have him say " heeeers Johnny". But it is the way it was written and then the lodge where it is set and located made me not want to do a B&B in the winter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No not me never 
  3. The next movie that creeps me out is" The Serpent and the Rainbow" I know the book was based on a true story but to know that they can actually make zombies and the some how control a person from miles away made very very nervous and wary of folks from the island of Haiti. The acting was wonderful. But even knowing folks who have family members who practice voodoo makes nervous now. Creepy movie I tell you.
  4. The next one is the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I mean friends taking. Backwoods drive in the country when their car breaks down and them I stead of getting help at a local farm they are picked off one, by one but a chainsaw wheeling mentally deranged dick. Hello you never go to the apply hose asking for help cause you gonna die!!!!! Dummies but it was the fact that leather face keep the bodies as trophies.. But the thing that got me was the one lone survivor had loaded up the car with her friends dead bodies and drove down the lane like it was all good. The crazy witch was smiling can you say one for a room a Creedmore. This movie has me not liking taking country drives at nite or on roads where I can be the next Lifetime movie of the week. Who wants to be a damn Lifetime movie of the week not I . 
  5. My last movie is not a horror movie but it is a tradition none the less. I love watching the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Between the music and the camping acting I love it. Then doing the time warp...who could not love watching this movie. 
So now you know my five favorite movies ..so what are yours. Trust me there is nothing like popcorn, drinks and a stun gun to help you get thru the first four. Happy Halloween .
Jeff <p><a href="http://www.jpadkinsdesign.com/index.php/blog/topic-tuesday" target="_blank" title="Topic Tuesday Blog Hop"><img src="http://www.jpadkinsdesign.com/images/topictuesdayclick.jpg" alt="Topic Tuesday Blog Hop" /></a></p>

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Life's learning moments.

Greeting and Salutations one and all.

So when the question was posted on our fair group page what have I learned recently or in life. What can I say I have learned a few things.

I have learned that you cannot please everyone no matter how hard you try. Even with the best intentions of your heart it is not possible. 

That it is not a sign of weakness to ask for help even though ou feel you don't need it. We all need help in life no matter the problem or issue. 

Family is not always about blood but it is about the folks who have been there when you needed them the most and when they have needed you. 

The most important lesson I have learned is that to truly someone else you have to love and respect one self. Without loving one self how can you love someone else.  

So on that not I say later .


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Blog hop

Hello, I was invited by an author friend, Kimber Kahn, to participate in a “blog hop interview.” In order to participate, I answer interview questions, and I tag three other author’s. They post interview questions on their blog pages. The folks they tag, will post their interview questions and answers on their blogs, and so forth. A lot of hopping!
You can find  Kimber’s interview questions and answers here: KimberKahn2012@blogger.com
Kimber’s Posted, September 23, 2013
Here are my answers to the interview Q&A:
1. What are you working on right now? Tempoary title for now is " Innocence Lost and Found"
2. How does it differ from other works in its genre? Well I started out writing M/F on literotica and then when I started reading m/m I figure let's see what I can create
3. Why do you write what you do? I find that with M/M you can not just intergret hot sweaty sex but romance, mystery, angst anything that goes on in the world you can use or create for m/m.

4. How does your writing process work? Well I rough draft everything and then flesh it out more to make it flow to where even a first time reader of M/M can follow along. 
In addition, I am tagging the following authors. Make sure to check out their blog posts on the following date: October 15,2013
I am tagging three authors KimberKahn,Jeff AdkinsJoelle Casteel and I hope you do the same

Wet dreams and kisses


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

SuperHero Powers

So when asked the question to pick a character to answer this week question about having superhero powers. I have decided to let my character Howard Blatt answer this question.

Good Day my name is Howard Blatt I am an AP English teacher at Cold Spring Regional High School. When I was emailed this question I has time to think about it to answer the question I would be The Flash *Shut up dummy I am taking over this interview *  No no I am doing this interview you cannot come out. 

Ha ha ha yeah right  right now my name is not important to answer the question that  little Howie tried to answer by being Nobel is bull. I want to be the invisible man and why you may ask you really want to know ok. Being the invisible man will give me unrestricted access to all of the delicious young nubile boys who have no idea what I have in store for them. Ahhh yes the pleasures I will take when they least expect and cannot under stand why it is happening. Ohhhh the joyous screams of pain and agony I can inflict yes that is why I would want to. Be the invisible man..ha ha ha ha the pain and screams ohhhhh yes I can heart it now yes yes ..............ha ha ha ha..

Shut up stop it, I am sorry about that yes where were we ohh yes yes superhero powers as I stated before I was rudely interrupted I would want to be the Flash why to have super speed would be cool and I get to help people all over the world and wear a cool outfit and maybe get a sidekick. Yeah that would be me * Pussy, god he is such a fucking pussy*  SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!! I am sorry but I must end this interview, I feel a headache coming on. I hope my answers help thank you again for letting me explain my inner geek fantasy.

Thank you again.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Books that I have read and books that have shaped my life

So when Adkins added this week topic about books we have read and books that have had an impact on my life. I had to sit back and really think about it. So here we go sorry for no cover photos about the books I am going to talk about.

  1. The first book I can remember is my mom read where the wild things are. I think ever parent read. That to their kids it gave me a sense of things that were out in the imaginary world I created. When she would read that story to me.
  2. The second book that I can remember reading was by S.E. Hinton , the outsiders I love the complex drama of Pony Boy and the rest of the gang and with that I read the rest of her stuff and it took me to that part of Americana that was considered small town America and I loved it. 
  3. As I got older my moms sister let me read my first Stephen King Novel it was the Shinning and it scared me to death. I loved it an I could not get enough. Then I just stared reading everything from him. That opened me up to the world of the paranormal and led me to Anne Rice and her books from the vampire chronically to the witches of Mayfair legacy. 
One of the books that truly changed my life was when I got my little fingers and opened mind on to a copy of Exit to Eden I was bewitched by the world of BDSM. The story of Lisa who fell in love with her submissive I was like wow could that ever happened to a person in real life. So them I was on a search to read more about it and the books that had the greatest impact on my young life was the Story of O.  From the first chapter to the end I was hooked I fell in. Love with the story of being one true self of being free to live a life that may not be normal to society but normal to yourself.  With the reading of that book it set me on a journey and I journey that has had a profound and interesting fit in my life. So as I close I would parents read to your children encourage their reading. When a child is reading it has open their kinds eye to a world of adventure. I am glad I passed that love on to my children for reading even though my oldest likes urban fiction yuck. But hey you can't win them all.

Have reading. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


So about a week ago Mr. Adkins posted the topic for this weeks post, name your top five anything . Well for the longest I could not come up with anything until I looked out my window on part of a city that ever sleeps and then it hit me. My top five would be the five places I love going to in NYC. I am only listing five but I will come back and list more in the future. So here we go.

  1. Dallas BBQ on 23rd street in Chealse-  for one the place is huge u like other Dallas's and plus it is the location. I know it is being over run by the rich and jackass but that will still be my favorite place even though I get carded when I go.  
  2. The Leather Man on Christopher street in the West Village what can I say about that place it is like toys are us for grown folk in to BDSM and Leather. I like going cause I usually end up helping a very sweet guy buy his first cock ring. Plus one of the employees Tyrone is a doll who keeps inviting me to fire island. So yeah I love the leather man 
  3. McNaulty and Sons Fine tea and Coffee also on Christopher Street next door to the Leather Man how cool is that two of my favorite stores next to each other. What more could a girl ask for. They have wonderful selection of teas and coffees that I hate to say it rivals my Starbucks. If you ever come to the city yes you need to go there.
  4. Boots and Saddles Gay bar also on Christopher street in the West Village, they have some wonderful drag shows and pretty cute go go boys. Even I as a straight female feel welcome and have a blast. Trust me my lot in life is to hit up every gay club in NYC and other parts and maybe write a book on it . 
  5. St.Marks Place I love  it love it love it. Between the tattoo establishments, Asian restaurants, two brother pizza and St.Marks comics what is not to love . They have a great energy and the best time to go is in the evenings and let not for get to mention the bars. So entires ot so just fun to go sit and people watch cause you never know what is going to happen or what you are going to see. 
So there you have it my partial list of top five and yes there are move cause there is always something to do in NYC.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What would my theme song be

When Jeff gave us the topic of if you had a theme song what would it be. It took me forever but I think Elton John's "The Bitch is Back" .yes that is my song cause this here chick has a new out look on life and who ever does not like it can kiss my wide.... Well you know what I mean.

Monday, September 9, 2013


As most of you know I am not a blogger but for some reason Mr.Jeff Adkins thinks I can do this. I understand this week is suicide prevention week and what this means to me. I have to admit I did try to take my own life once. It was after a very bad car accident after a month in the hospital I was finally able to come home well lets just say I was not in the right frame of mind.i was having a hard time revering things and having to lean on people for help. I was in a cast from the waits down I had my jaw wired shut so eating solid foods were out. I was at a low point of having to have some one feed me and clean me up. I was still on morphine drip and let's just say I knew what it would do . I figured out a way to bypass the timing and set it on a constant flow .. Needless to say I was smart but not that damn smart cause  my nurse came in and from what I was told she called Emergency services I was taken to the hospital. They had to force open my jaw insert a tube to get me to breathing on my own. When I was finally conscious lets just say I had a room full of folks wondering if I lost my ever loving mind . Wen I explained to them how humiliated I was for folks to see me like this and to have to depend on folks for every day care I could not deal with it and deal with the fact that I knew I could not teach again. So I figured I would end it and not be a burden to folks and society anymore. Well after everyone I had their say it took me a moment to realized that I do have a purpose and usefulness in life and that when things get bad and you feel that you have no end to find someone you trust and talk your fears away. In the end when life seems that it is not going to get better it does. You just have to decide to stick around and see the amazing outcome.