Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Description vs. Dialogue

So when we got this weeks topic. I was a bit huffed. I was a little surprised by it. I had showed someone what I had written and they had said good description but where is the dialogue. I was like I can't do that I don't know how the person was like if you can write a face book post you can do it.

My issue is I can tell you the story but can't tell you the story. I can tell you what's going on but not in how the characters is suppose to do it.  So there that is my dilemma .

Ok I was not gonna post but since I had time I between cooking four birds I said why the hell not.

What are your issues with dialogue and description.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Problems and solutions

Morning can I call it a good morning we will see. So when our fearless leader posted this weeks topic I was like ok but I don't have the time to write because I will be resting and cooking AT&T he same time..yeah yeah I know the two don't fit so sue me. For those of you hip who know me know I have kids and I normally cook for the school holidays. Well this year I lonely have to cook for two schools yeah cause the oldest is in college but that does not mean it is an easy tasks. So hence my issue of cooking and writing this post.

So after hobbling around on a bum hip all day Monday gathering and not trying to kill shoppers I have all the stuff I needed for today's meal . I was like let me put the side of beef ribs in the oven timer it and take a nap. So my ass has been up since four cooking I will tell you the rest of what I am cooking at the end.

So now I figured what the hell let me get this over with before Adkins sic Alan on me. I swear them two are just ugh slave drivers. As you can see problem one done .

Now problem two how in the blue blazes I am going to get all theis damn food over to a school on a bum hip hence problem number two and no I ain't got a damn clue. But I am as resourceful as Mcguyver and I will find a way to get said viddles there.

I am as independent asthma comes with certain things in my life. I am not a person big on asking for help. I would rather  give you my help and what have not then to ask for it. I am trying to learn how to deal with that problem. But folks it is hard for me to ask for help. I am just use to doing things on my own. I know those of you who hold that special "family" place in my heart that I know if I needed you all would be there in some shape form or fashion. But I still can't ask y'all to come, I will get there but it will take cause I know we all need a little help once in a while.

Ok enough of this emotional sappy shit. How the fuck am I going to get: two long bans of beef ribs, turkey wings, chicken, stuffing, mashed potatoes and cake to my kids school?
Any ideas folks?

So what and how have you learned to deal with problems and issues when they run smack dab into your life?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Where do you write

So this week Adkins let Alan pick the topic. Where do you write, what type of music and where do I find my muse.

Ha ha I write where ever I can wether I am at home, on the subway in the kids school or in the hospital. It's not always the same place when I write. 

Music I mean I have enough music on my iTunes to keep me happy from show tunes to hardcore rap( I know me liking rap who would have thunk it ). Music helps me create and relax as I write.

I am not sure if I have a muse I mean looking at folks in NYC in various settings do help I mean I have seen folks having public sex on the subway, a homeless woman who used an abandoned store as her toilet to hot sexy gay men kissing. It depends on what I see that creates the imagination flowing. 

But the best place for me is sitting in my kitchen looking out of my window on either a clear NYC night watching the planes land at LGA or in the wee hours of the morning watching the sunrise and clear away the morning haze across the sky.

So where do you all like to go sit and write and what inspire you.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Why I write.

Why do I write is the question of the day...when I saw that I was like huh too damn broad of a topic. But hey when in Rome...

So why do I write to keep my sanity and to see I I can still be as creative as I once was. I use to be very prolific.  When I wrote I before I  had children it was my way to relax wether it was short stories, poems or novellas.

Once my friends found out I liked to write I was their go to girl for papers, reports or the " Dear Jane" break up letters. Lol I thought me writing break up letters. 

But after my car accident things changed as in I had the stories but I just could not put it to paper. The very first thing I wrote was years after my accident it was a poem for National Domestic Violence Month. 

I still have the stories in my messed but brain I have been working on one for three years.i have it all planned out but getting it on paper is not easy for me.  I know I am moving slow but it will get done. 

When I write now I write for my sanity. To create characters, places and situations to help me relax from the stress of parenting and dealing with the ignant folks I deal with. 

I know my task master ( I will not mention his name) is wondering on my progress I will send him stuff soon. 

I wrote two poems recently and will have a friend look them over to see if they can use them. 

So as I stated writing is relaxing at times and slow going. 

Well now you know my thoughts on writing. 

What are your thoughts.