Is it ever appropriate for a author to abuse another author fan.
No it is not why should fans have to take abuse from an author. The only and I mean the only way I see that happening if the fan is becoming a stalker and I mean a true stalker in the sense of the word.
The funny thing is that when the author who is doing the abusing is not the author of the book. When does the non main author get off speaking on the main author behalf. Who is the non main author to tell another author fan that you cross boundaries. Not know what the relationship the fan has with the other author.
But yet when the author of the book does not put a stop to the childish, high school popular bitch bullying then yeah it is a problem. A lot of authors see to forget we as fans are what make or break you. We as fans spend our money buying your works. We as fans recommend your works to friends.
But yet at last loyal, honest true fans who have been with you during the good and during the bad times. Feel that when their favorite author cannot rain in their friends from being vindictive twunts. Then why should we spend our money on their works.
The non main author should have known better to do that in public, evidently that person has no home training. As in you must remain professional at all times unless the person is making threats against your life. But if that is not happening, you have just made your self out to look like a bullying cunt. Which mean you can not separate professionalism from personal.
That means you do you have the god given sense to keep your mouth shut . If the main author has no problem, then maybe you need to keep quire. Cause you have just made yourself look like the stalker, the over protective let me keep the fans away pit bull.
So is it ever ok to bully, disrespect, belittle a fan no. Because you don't know what effect it will have on you as the author. Cause see when you let your fan get be disrespected by a disgruntled author who has not had much success in recent months. Talk to your fans that way then your fans will tell their friends and then tell other authors that they have known longer and those authors may not want to work with you or buy your works.
Fans are the backbone of this industry treat your fans well and they I turn will do the same with you. Let your fans be disrespected, belittled and bullied, well then let the chips fall where they lay.
No it is not why should fans have to take abuse from an author. The only and I mean the only way I see that happening if the fan is becoming a stalker and I mean a true stalker in the sense of the word.
The funny thing is that when the author who is doing the abusing is not the author of the book. When does the non main author get off speaking on the main author behalf. Who is the non main author to tell another author fan that you cross boundaries. Not know what the relationship the fan has with the other author.
But yet when the author of the book does not put a stop to the childish, high school popular bitch bullying then yeah it is a problem. A lot of authors see to forget we as fans are what make or break you. We as fans spend our money buying your works. We as fans recommend your works to friends.
But yet at last loyal, honest true fans who have been with you during the good and during the bad times. Feel that when their favorite author cannot rain in their friends from being vindictive twunts. Then why should we spend our money on their works.
The non main author should have known better to do that in public, evidently that person has no home training. As in you must remain professional at all times unless the person is making threats against your life. But if that is not happening, you have just made your self out to look like a bullying cunt. Which mean you can not separate professionalism from personal.
That means you do you have the god given sense to keep your mouth shut . If the main author has no problem, then maybe you need to keep quire. Cause you have just made yourself look like the stalker, the over protective let me keep the fans away pit bull.
So is it ever ok to bully, disrespect, belittle a fan no. Because you don't know what effect it will have on you as the author. Cause see when you let your fan get be disrespected by a disgruntled author who has not had much success in recent months. Talk to your fans that way then your fans will tell their friends and then tell other authors that they have known longer and those authors may not want to work with you or buy your works.
Fans are the backbone of this industry treat your fans well and they I turn will do the same with you. Let your fans be disrespected, belittled and bullied, well then let the chips fall where they lay.